
According to The World Health Organization’s (WHO) website, the Zika virus was first identified in humans in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. Outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific.  The disease is transmitted mainly by Aedes mosquitoes.

CDC Information Update

  • CDC awards nearly $184 million in funding to states to continue the battle against Zika
  • CDC expands guidance for travel and testing of pregnant women, women of reproductive age and their Partners for Zika in Miami-Dade, Florida.
  • CDC updated its recommendation for men with possible Zika virus expsoure who are considering trying to conceive with thier partners.

The World Health Organization lists the following Key Facts:

  • Symptoms generally include: mild fever, skin rash, and conjunctivitis and these symptoms generally last for 2-7 days
  • Incubation period is not clear; likely a few days
  • No specific treatment or vaccines is currently available
  • Best form of prevention is protection against mosquito bites

Please review the resources provided through the links below, share this information with your medical and professional contacts, and use these materials to educate yourself as well as your staff and patients.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Info

CDC’s Interim Guidelines for Healthcare Providers

Obstetrical Healthcare Providers

  • Interim Guidelines for Pregnant Women During a Zika Virus Outbreak - United States, 2016.

CDC QAs for Healthcare Providers

Other CDC Resources

  • CDC’s Resources Webpage.
  • CDC’s January 26, 2016 webinar:  Zika Virus – What Clinicians Need to Know.

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Public Health Info

Medical Journal Articles

OHA Public Health Division News and Information.

Media Links